Flyover Contemporary Dance is a diverse group of contemporary dance professionals dedicated to bringing high quality dance to Northwest Arkansas. We believe that the rich artistic potential residing within the so-called "flyover states" deserves recognition and celebration on the national stage and beyond. We create choreography that is inherently collaborative, that transcends individual limitations and generates art that is greater than the sum of its parts. Finally, we aim to foster a deep sense of community within the local dance scene, providing a platform for emerging and established dance artists to grow and flourish.

(un) C.A.N.I.

Flyover Contemporary Dance in residence at The Momentary

Spring 2024

2 Education Outreach performances: April 5th, 10am & 1pm

2 Public Performances: April 6th 7:00pm & April 7th 5:00pm

(un) C.A.N.I. (Creative Acts of Neo-Intelligence) is a series of danced explorations that probes humanity’s increasingly tangled relationship with artificial intelligence. Utilizing the aesthetic concept of the “uncanny valley,” this immersive, multimedia performance physically manifests the unsettling relationship between the human and the not-quite human, fundamentally questioning the artist’s role in the rise of computer systems that emulate human intelligences. The movement essays investigate ideas like doomscrolling, algorithmic biases, fear-mongering around human job loss, and danced portrayals of robots. Ultimately, (un) C.A.N.I. leaves audiences and artists alike questioning the uniqueness of human creativity and what ethical and artistic imagings are available to us in a post A.I. world.


Meet the Collective

Flyover Dance Collective is comprised of a wide variety of dancers and dance makers from diverse walks of life who share a common language of contemporary dance. We are all committed to dance as a meaning making process that enriches our own lives and the lives of those in our community.